

夜間も治療を行っているつくば市(はり) (きゅう)マッサージ 治療院です。
休日夜間の緊急時 などできる限り対応致します。

  電話: 029-856-8941   院長直通:080-3346-0881
   お問合せ・予約フォームはこちらからどうぞ (24時間相談受付)

Welcome to Kirakudo!

つくば市の鍼灸指圧マッサージ師 伊賀秀文


Welcome to Kirakudo. My name is Iga.
We are glad that you are reading this page
and would like to help you.
If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.
You might think that the clinic is kind of formal
and hesitate to visit; however, we are taking care of many
troubles which can be seen especially women, such as sensitive
to the cold,swelling, and stiff shoulders.
In addition, we are preparing for private rooms so that patients
can be treated comfortably.
We try to meet each patient need with our knowledge, experiences,
skills, and an atmosphere as much as possible.
If a patient needs to get rid of pain, we try to do so.
If a patient needs to reduce its stress, we try to do so.
Whenever you have a question, feel free to ask us.
We will try to help you as much as possible.
Thank you.


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  電話:029-856-8941   院長直通:080-3346-0881